Saturday, November 10, 2007



This page is for those of you who are interested in placing the runes within the months where they are most powerful.

This is important for those of you who wish to practice RUNE MAGICK

To become a good rune magician you must learn all you can about energies. Rune energies, energies of the seasons, energy of the different months, trees, plants, colors, sounds etc.


Otherwise you are just playing with the runes.

Don't poo poo magick. It is being used by the most powerful people around the world. Companies use it in their advertising, in their slogans, in their music, in the pictures they present you on TV and in the magizines. Politicians, religious leaders use black magick. It is very subtle, but very powerful.

Learn to use rune magick to protect your family from other magick.

One other thing you must have to practice Bindrune Magick: PATIENCE

Plan your Bindrune Magick; choose the right day or month or time of year. Don't rush.

RUNE FA ----- December 22nd to January 12th

RUNE UR ------ January 13th to February 3rd

RUNE THORN ----- Februrary 4th to Ferbruary 25th

RUNE OS ----- Februrary 26th to March 20th

RUNE RIT ----- March 21st to April 12th

RUNE KA ----- April 13th to May 5th

RUNE HAGAL ----- May 6th to May 28th

RUNE NOT ----- May 29th to June 20th

RUNE IS ----- June 21st to July 14th

RUNE AR ----- July 15th to August 7th

RUNE SIG ----- August 8th to Augsut 30th

RUNE TYR ----- August 31st to September 22nd

RUNE BAR ----- September 23rd to October 15th

RUNE LAF ----- October 16th to November 7th

RUNE MAN ----- November 8th to November 29th

RUNE YR ----- November 30th to December 21st

RUNE EH ----- Symbolizes the marriage of the year as a whole

RUNE GIBOR ----- Symbolizes life-death and rebirth to the new year ahead.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom techings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For moe of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Friday, November 9, 2007


Women attract Valkyries to protect your home and children.

This website is about using the runes, which are Universal Creative Energies to create health, wealth, love and protection.

This particular webpage is about Protection.

Protection that Valkyries provide through the powerful ALGIZ RUNE.

We all have the desire for increase. Odin the All Father wants us to have increase. The Universe wants us to have increase. We all would like more food, clothes, better shelter, luxery, beauty, love, knowledge, pleasure, more life.

The Runes can provide these.

For these difficult politically correct, multi-cultural society times what is most important is PROTECTION.

You need Valkyries to protect your home, car, children and possessions.

Freya is the Queen of the Valkyries.

She is the Norse Goddess of love, fertility, beauty, magic and battles.

Freya The Valkyrie is blond, blue-eyed and beautiful. She travels in a chariot driven by cats. She resides in FOLKVANG and collects one half of the bravest vikings slain in battle. The other half goes to Odin in Valhalla.

Valkyries wear scarlet corslets and carry shields and spears.

All Valkyries can shape change. Many take the form of blue herons or swans. Valkyries are also called Swan Maidens. If you could capture and hold a Valkyrie while she is in swan form, you could extract a wish from her.

Valkyries in the Sagas and Eddas.

Valkryie Brynhild ----- Byrnie of Battle

Valkyrie Sigrun ----- Victory

Valkyrie Skogul ----- Rager

ValkyrieThruor ----- Strength

Valkyrie Geirahod ----- Spear of Battle

Valkyrie Gunnr ----- Battle

Valkyrie Goll ----- Battle Cry

Valkyrie Rota ---- Turmoil

Valkyrie Gondul -----She-Were-Wolf

I named only nine Valkyries. You can look up more if you like.

Valkyries usually ride to battle nine at a time.

Valkyries are Odin's messengers and when they ride light flashes off of their armor and causes the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights).

How-To Attract Valkyries for Protection.

The Laws of Quantum Physics now tell us that there is an intelligent, infinite ocean of energy called the Quantum Ocean.

Evreything that ever was, is or will be exists in this Quantum Ocean. There is no time there. No past, present nor future. Only the NOW!

The Runes, the gods/goddesses of the North, the Valkyries, Asgard, Valhalla all exist there NOW!

All you need is a methodology on how to attract these Valkyries out of the Quantum Ocean and into your life NOW!

The Rune Symbols are the methodology.

Each Runic Symbol on the physical plane is a key to a Runic Energy in the Quantum Ocean.

By looking at, meditating upon, breathing-in a Runic Symbol you make a connection through the Laws of Mental Radionics with that Runic Energy or god/goddesses in the Quantum Ocean.

Example: if you meditate on Rune FA you attract the Runic Energy of wealth out of the Quantum Ocean and into your aura.

Etc, etc, etc for each rune.

Rune ALGIZ is the Rune Associated With the Valkyries.

It is one of the Runes of Protection.

When you look at, meditate upon or breath in Rune ALGIZ you attract the protection of the Valkyries into your life.

Rune ALGIZ Breathing-In Ritual.

Sit quietly in your favorite chair. This ritual was designed for the Asatrurer who wants to work alone from their home.


Breath deeply and softly.

Now, look at the ALGIZ Rune in your lap. (Cut this Rune out at the bottom of this page.)

When you look at this ALGIZ Rune you make contact with the Valkyrie energies in the Quantum Ocean.

Take a deep breath and intone:

"I am now inhaling the Runic energies of the Valkyries out of the Quantum Ocean and into my aura."

Visualize the Valkyries pouring out of the Quantum Ocean and into your aura.

Do this three times.

Breathe in.


Breath out.

You will now have the Runic energies of the Valkyries in your aura. You won't actually have Valkyries in your aura. Just the protective energies of the Valkyries.

All is energy until it is projected onto the physical plane.

What ever energy you carry in your aura you can project out into your world.

What Do You Want To Do With This Valkyrie Energy?

Protect your home?

Protect your vehicle?

Protect youe loved ones (even if there is a distance of thousands of miles).

Example: Your Home.

While you are sitting there quietly with your aura filled with Valkyrie energy visualize:

A Valkyrie in front of your home, resplendant in her shining armor, spear butt on ground, shield on arm facing outward in a defensive position.

Take your time and pour your mental energy into the Valkyrie visualization. What you are doing is taking this formless, intelligent energy in your aura and manifesting a Valkyrie on your front lawn.

She will not be visible to the naked eye. But she will be there in full battle dress on the etheric energy level of your lawn.

Sensitives will be able to see her.

All evil will feel her presence.

Now, do the same thing for both sides and rear of house.

Take a deep breath and as you are breathing out visualize the Viking energy in your aura manifesting as a Valkyrie on your lawn, sides and back of house.

Three times.

There are four directions which means a total of twelve Valkyrie visualizations.

Relax and be assured that the Valkyries are there protecting your home.

To make the Valkyrie Protection Ritual more powerful pick four names (from the list above) and assign one name to each of your four Valkyries.

Personalize your relationships with your Valkyries.

Also visualzie a powerful red ALGIZ Rune painted in the middle of each of the Valkyries shields.

Brynhild on front lawn.

Sigrun in back yard.

Thruor on left side of house.

Gunnr on right side of house.

These are the four I use.

Talk to them. Ask for their protection. Thank them. They are just as real as you and I, even though you cannot see them.

The energies that these Valkyries project will be felt by all who approach your home.

This applies to the physical plane, the astral plane, the etheric plane and even the mental and emotional plane. Beasties of all kinds (human included) will feel the Valkyrie energy and be repelled by it.

The same as a Vampire is repelled by the sight and smell of garlic.

You can protect your children when you send them off to school.

Sit - breathe - visualize and project the Valkyries around them.

Sit - breathe- visualize - project the Valkyires around your car.

Have a soldier in the war? Do the same. Distance does not matter in Rune Magic.

How long will this protection last?

How powerful are you? How well did you do the visualization? How strongly did you make the connection to the Quantum Ocean?

How often?

I do it every night before going to sleep. Just by writing these things on the net has attracted many evil forces who want to stop me. We the Northern Europeans do not own the physical, mental or emotional realms any more. Others do and they do not want us to become stong again. Runes combined with Quantum Physics will strengthen us.


Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom techings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For moe of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007



HEALTH can be attracted to you. You are a magnet attracting to you all things via the signal you are emitting through your thoughts and feelings and the Runic energies you start into motion. You can use RUNE URAZ MAGIC HEALING to attract HEALTH to you.

Runes are Universal Creative Energies

The New Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that everything exists in an infinite ocean of energy called the Quantum Ocean

Therefore, when you meditate, look at, do a runic yoga exercise or a runic circle or a runic healing you are touching the Runic Energy Field inside the Quantum Ocean

One of the most powerful Laws of the Universe is The Law of Attraction

This tells you that whatever you think about or place your attention on will eventually be attracted to you

So when you do Rune Work you attract the Runic Energies to you out of the Quantum Ocean.

In our case we want to attract the energies of Rune URAZ HEALTH

Now when these Rune URAZ HEALTH Energies come to you they will come in waves (like Quantum Physics). These will be waves of health, wealth and well being.

They will enter your AURA where there are energy blockages

These energy blockages are what causes dis-ease and ill health

YOU MUST STILL ACT ON THESE healing waves that will enter your aura.

Another lesser known but powerful law, that Quantum Physics is sharing with us is this:


This has powerful ramifications. This means that if other people have energy blockages due to negative thinking, feeling and acting --- they will become dis-eased and they will affect you.

Anger, resentment, hate jealousy and vindictiveness are energies and emotions that cause blockages in peoples aurasBlockages cause dis-ease and ill health.

If you send people anger, hate, resentment, jealousy and vindictiveness< class="blsp-spelling-corrected" id="SPELLING_ERROR_7">feelings of negative emotions towards yourself and others, you will be reducing the amount of dis-ease and ill health on the planet. Thereby you will automatically become healthier.

The Rune URAZ Health waves will enter your aura and start their work of dissolving blockages of negative emotions. You need something to help you with dissolving negative emotions because the world is so full of them (TV, media, wars, schools, elf towers etc are constantly pumping the negativity out) so you need help.


The Rune URAZ HEALING MAGIC SECRET is this: If you have thought forms in your own mind that will attract health and well being, the Runic Uraz Energy waves from the Quantum Ocean will fill these thought forms and make their manifestations quicker and surer.

The Law of Attraction also tells us that whatever you think or say in the "I AM..." form will be attracted to you

Whenever you say "I AM THIS OR THAT..." or think the same way ... you will attract that into your life

Therefore using the Rune URAZ and the Laws of Quantum Physics, the Laws of Attraction, and the "I AM" statements listed below you will ATTRACT HEALTH AND WELL BEING INTO YOUR LIFE

By stopping your thoughts and feelings of negative emotions you will also help everyone else on the planet. The best way that you as a single human can help heal the planet and its people is by not adding to the negativity!

Start now so that our children and grandchildren and kindred can live a healthier life.


Repeat them as often as possible during your day. Write them down and repeatedly look at them

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #1

Cure yourself from within with Rune Uraz Healing Magic

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #2

"I AM learning to LOVE myself? Deeply and profoundly!"

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #3

"I AM making a list of all the wonderful things about myself that is right with me."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #4

"I AM adding to my list everyday the reasons why I like myself. I understand that for perfect health I must learn to love myself first.

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #5

"I AM releasing all past resentments and disappointments I may be holding against others and myself."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #6

"I AM visualizing myself doing things in a complete state of health. I understand that what images I hold in my mind will come to pass. Therefore I hold images of a healthy me.

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #7

"I AM never going to talk about illnesses or diseases mine or others."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #8

"I AM learning to love everything and everyone, especially myself."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #9

"I know I have the power within me and with the help of the Rune URAZ Healing energies I AM breaking through all blockages and healing myself."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #10

"I AM stopping all criticism because I know that it causes blockages in myself and others."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #11

"I AM stopping all blame of myself and others."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #12

"I AM grateful for the Rune URAZ Healing energy that is coming to me in waves from the Quantum Ocean."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #13

"I AM seeing myself ONLY as WELL."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #14

"I AM HAPPY and I know that happiness induces health."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #15

"I AM laughing and watching 3 stooges and Marx Brothers and other comedy films."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #16

"I AM laughing my way back to health."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #17

"I AM grateful, appreciative, loving and happy and these energies help me in the Rune URAZ Healing process."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #18

"I AM rid of all blockages and all dis-eased, inharmonious energies in my Aura."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #19

"I AM making lists everyday of all the things I AM GRATEFUL for in my life."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #20

"I AM removing my attention from dis-ease and illness."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #21

"I AM focusing my attention on doing things that make me feel good."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #21

"I AM making happiness the number one thing in my life now."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #22

"I AM resisting nothing, loving everything."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #23

"I know there is no such thing as incurable and I am curing myself now."

Rune URAZ Healing Magic Secret #24

"I AM accepting that I AM PERFECT NOW!"

Health is a mindset HEALTH is literally attracted to you or repelled from you it's all about HOW YOU THINK!

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.



This page is for those of you who are interested in placing the runes within the months where they are most powerful.

This is important for those of you who wish to practice RUNE MAGIC

To become a good rune magician you must learn all you can about energies. Rune energies, energies of the seasons, energy of the different months, trees, plants, colors, sounds etc.


Otherwise you are just playing with the runes.

Don't poo poo magick. It is being used by the most powerful people around the world. Companies use it in their advertising, in their slogans, in their music, in the pictures they present you on TV and in the magazines. Politicians, religious leaders use black magick. It is very subtle, but very powerful.

Learn to use rune magick to protect your family from other magick.

One other thing you must have to practice Bindrune Magick: PATIENCE

Plan your Bindrune Magick; choose the right day or month or time of year. Don't rush.

RUNE FA ----- December 22nd to January 12th

RUNE UR ------ January 13th to February 3rd

RUNE THORN ----- February 4th to February 25th

RUNE OS ----- February 26th to March 20th

RUNE RIT ----- March 21st to April 12th

RUNE KA ----- April 13th to May 5th

RUNE HAGAL ----- May 6th to May 28th

RUNE NOT ----- May 29th to June 20th

RUNE IS ----- June 21st to July 14th

RUNE AR ----- July 15th to August 7th

RUNE SIG ----- August 8th to August 30th

RUNE TYR ----- August 31st to September 22nd

RUNE BAR ----- September 23rd to October 15th

RUNE LAF ----- October 16th to November 7th

RUNE MAN ----- November 8th to November 29th

RUNE YR ----- November 30th to December 21st

RUNE EH ----- Symbolizes the marriage of the year as a whole

RUNE GIBOR ----- Symbolizes life-death and rebirth to the new year ahead.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.